How to install NetBSD 2.0_BETA on a SGI O2 with MIPS R10000 CPU --------------------------------------------------------------- Not yet tested with a O2 R5000, but should also work. Download the Snapshot of NetBSD 2.0_BETA [1] from Christopher SEKIYA as he had posted the information to the port-sgimips Mailinglist [2] and put it on a local ftp server. [1] [2] Setting up a tftpd Server, eg. comment out the following line in /etc/inetd.conf and killall -HUP inetd: tftp dgram udp wait nobody /usr/libexec/tftpd tftpd /tftpboot Create the directory /tftpboot and gunzip sgimips-2.0/binary/kernel/netbsd-INSTALL32_IP3x.gz to it as /tftpboot/netbsd-INSTALL32_IP3x Configure your DHCP Server to bootstrap the SGI O2 from a TFTPd Server, add the following host entry and restart dhcpd: host sgi-o2 { hardware ethernet 08:00:69:05:fc:0f; # the MAC address of the O2 fixed-address; # the IP of the O2 filename "netbsd-INSTALL32_IP3x"; # the kernel file to load server-name=""; # the server which runs tftpd } Now the fun starts ;) Boot up your SGI O2 and press or click on "Stop for Maintenance" button at the startup screen. A manpage can be found at [3]. [3] Select "5. Enter Command Monitor" Check with hinv for the disks/cdroms which are available: > hinv System: IP32 Processor: 195 Mhz R10000, with FPU Primary I-cache size: 32 Kbytes Primary D-cache size: 32 Kbytes Secondary cache size: 1024 Kbytes Memory size: 128 Mbytes Graphics: CRM, Rev C Audio: A3 version 1 SCSI Disk: scsi(0)disk(2) SCSI CDROM: scsi(0)cdrom(4) also check the current enviroments variables with printenv, the boot disk (OSLoadPartition, SystemPartition) and the MAC address (eadddr) can be seen: > printenv AutoLoad=Yes diskless=0 dbaud=9600 volume=80 sgilogo=y monitor=h TimeZone=PST8PDT OSLoadPartition=pci(0)scsi(0)disk(2)rdisk(0)partition(0) console=d netaddr= SystemPartition=pci(0)scsi(0)disk(2)rdisk(0)partition(8) OSLoadFilename=netbsd osloadoptions=auto OSLoader=boot ConsoleOut=serial(0) ConsoleIn=serial(0) cpufreq=195 eaddr=08:00:69:05:fc:0f Connect a null modem cable the the first com port of the O2 and to a free com port on your computer and start a terminal programm (9600,8N1,RTS/CTS). On the Command Monitor at the O2 change to boot up with the serial console: > setenv console d and reboot with: > init In a few seconds the system will boot up at the serial console, there press to again go into the Command Monitor and select again "5. Enter Command Monitor". Now set the IP address to the one configured in the dhcp server: > setenv netaddr either change SystemPartition to boot always from tftp with > setenv SystemPartition bootp(): and boot with: > boot or boot with the following command from the Command Monitor: > boot -f bootp():/netbsd-INSTALL32_IP3x Now the NetBSD 2.0_BETA install kernel should be loaded, complete the installation from the local ftp server. After the installation is finished, reboot and go with again to Command Monitor to set up booting NetBSD from the local disk: If the SystemPartition was changes before change it back to: > setenv SystemPartition pci(0)scsi(0)disk(2)rdisk(0)partition(8) And also set some other options (even if the SystemPartition was not changed): > setenv osloadfilename netbsd > setenv osloadoptions auto > setenv osloader boot Now reboot to see if NetBSD boots up from the local disk > init If everthing went fine you should have a NetBSD running from the local disk. As a source for this installation guide the "NetBSD/sgimips FAQ" [4] and the "Installation guide for NetBSD/sgimips 1.6.2" [5] were used. [4] [5] The official informations about the NetBSD/sgimips Port can be found at [6] [6]